Civic Engagement and Outreach
Civic and social responsibilities are key components in our lives. The Orange Park Woman’s Club Civic Engagement and Outreach Community Service Program is designed to actively connect members with effective projects and activities relating to civic and social responsibilities. This program focuses on citizenship, military personnel, emergency and disaster preparedness, and safety and crime prevention.
Orange Park Woman’s Club members work together to design and support public issues activities in the local communities.
Civic Engagement & Outreach CSP Chairman: Jane Chafin & Co-Chairman: Peggy Himmelheber
Our Current Projects
Wreaths Across America
We will be collecting money for “Wreaths Across America”. If you wish to participate each wreath costs $15. Checks can be made to Orange Park Woman’s Club and one check will be sent in for the club. Peggy Himmelheber will be collecting the money at the November meeting.
Veteran's Day Activities
Thank you to everyone who volunteered to make cookies for the Veterans Day Activities at the Clarke House on November 11th. A reminder will be sent to all who signed up with the instructions. Our CSP is in charge of the November meeting program where we will honor all of our members who are veterans. A special dining table will be set aside for all our veterans. Several special patriotic programs will be presented. You may invite a veteran as your guest for the program and lunch.
We encourage all members to vote in the ALL elections. It is our privilege and responsibility to participate in choosing our elected officials. Register to vote or check your registration status at the Clay County Electios website.