The Orange Park Woman’s Club Legacy
In 1910, The Orange Park Woman's club (OPWC) was proudly founded by eight ladies, led by Mary C. Berry, a winter resident. They met at a local pavilion and soon became the first civic organization registered in Orange Park, Florida.
The founding members began by helping a local school: cleaning the schoolyard, erecting fencing, presenting a flag, and providing an individual drinking cup to each child. Next, the club established a library, which they ran for 50-years, until the state of Florida centralized the library system. The women continued helping the community by picking up litter, placing waste baskets around town, and planting flowering trees.
And that was just the beginning . . .
Community Service for more than 100 years
In the 100 years that followed, the OPWC recognized needs in the community, and set out to meet those needs. The women took care of the sick, including more than 100 people during a malaria epidemic. During this period, the women furnished a room at St. Luke's hospital. During World War I, they arranged for dances and entertainment at Camp Johnston (now NAS Jacksonville), and began volunteering with the Red Cross.
Assist Needy Families, Hospital Auxiliary, Community Theatre
During World War II, they helped care for returning wounded, sold war bonds and continued working with the Red Cross. Between the wars, these ladies started a hot lunch program for the elementary school. They helped to bring electricity to Orange Park and helped to make life better for needy families. In 1970, a day camp was established for handicapped children. A community theater was started and is still going strong. In 1974, they started the Hospital Auxiliary for the new hospital. A Thrift Shop provided income for a scholarship program. Multiple fund raisers during the year help support numerous charities.
And We Continue...
We are a service club of ladies who care for the community and we invite you to join us as we continue the legacy. Membership is open to all!
The Orange Park Woman’s Club joined the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) and GFWC Florida in 1911.
GFWC is a unifying force, bringing together local women’s clubs, with members dedicated to strengthening their communities and enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. With nearly 80,000 members in affiliated clubs in every state and more than a dozen countries, GFWC members are community leaders who work locally to create global change by supporting the arts, preserving natural resources, advancing education, promoting healthy lifestyles, encouraging civic engagement, and working toward peace and understanding.
For more information, please visit www.GFWC.org or GFWCflorida.org.